Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Talkative Tuesday

I like the musicbox because we passed the box around the circle. My teacher was Fintan and Angie and we studied the solar sistem! I learned that Jupiter is the biggest planet.
Oier Giralt
We won the presentation,our is my favourite presentation, but I'm not nervous. I like food in Txurruka and I'm making some friends.
Pablo Olaizola
Beech and Pines were winners the presentation. I like the food here but I don´t like fish!
Eneko Jauregi

We studied the solar system! I learned that Mars is the red planet. I liked the music box because I like listening to music.
Julen Hurtado
I like the food is pizza but I don´t like fish. I liked the music box it was fun.
Aitor Rodriguez
I like the music box because is very funny and interesting for me, we passed the box around the circle and the music stops the person who has the box takes a task.
Ihintza Arrondo
Georgie is my teacher today and we studied the solar system. I have made new friends, 1 cat and 5 teachers.
Itziar Coral

I like music box because the music is excellent. Naomi is my teacher today the presentation was very good.
Naia Beiztegi
The music box was very funny. Conor is my teacher and we studied the solar system and made a volcano.
Ixiar Otamendi
Today my teacher is Conor, we studied the solar system and we learned that Mars is the red planet. The Beeches and the Pines won but my favourite presentation was the volcano.
Maddi Aiestaran
We studied the solar system. The teacher is Georgie and solar system the leader is the pine. My friend group is very fantastic and I like the presentation.
Odei Sanchez

I liked the music box because the music is very good. My teacher is Georgie and I studied the solar system.
Julen Ezpeleta
Naomi is my teacher, solar system. The presentation was very very good.
Mikel Martin
My teacher is Conor and we studied the solar system, I learned that there are 8 planets. Txurruka is good but I miss my parents here.
Xabier Martin
I liked the music box and listening to music. Beech and Pine were lbisuthe winners of the presentation.
Mikel Albisu

1 comment:

  1. This is a message for Itziar Alonso:

    Mum and dad wish you a wonderful 11th birthday,

