Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It´s only a drop of precipitation!

Iker mota:
Teachers are crazys,the weather is very bad because it's rains and hails.
Some food is bad but some food is good.
The classes are small and easy

Iñigo Azpiritxaga:
 This week in Orio, there's very bad weather
 The food is very bad, and the menu also bad.
The teacher's are nice, but there're crazy.
 Fartonto Fispatrick is one teacher, he's the most crazy teacher.

Beñat Cabello:
The food ussually is very good but sometime is bad
The weather is bat because not play football
The activities is very very very very funny
The teacher is nice.

Julen Linares:
 The teachers are nice and crazy.
 The weather is bad because it´s rainning and hail.
 Mi bedroom is very good because mi bedroom people are crazy.
 The food is bad. We ate fish, yogurt,pizza...

Jennifer Muñoz
The weather is very bad because is rainnig.
The food is very bad because i dont´s like
The classe is very funny because the people y funny
The teacher is good and funny.

Andoni Garcia:
The teacher Finten it´s very crazy.
Theweather is very bad.
The activities there are very very funny, we have a final of the pesentations.
The classes are very good, but starts very very early.

Naiara Rodriguez
The food is very bad
The teachers are very nice
The weather is very bad because is raining
The night is very good because speak for my friend

Ane Blanco
The food is very normal
The weather is very bad because is raining
The teachers are very nice and very cracy
I love night because sleepimg for my friends

Ines Quintano
The foot is very bod
The bedroom have spider
The classes is small
The bedroms is very smll

beatriz arana
In the bathroom are spiders
the weather is very bad are thunder and lightning
the presentations are very fun I did the fasion show with Angi
the teachears are very crazy

Inaki Abad
There are thunder and lightning and rain with hail.
We are with Intixtxu and Virgen de Oro schools in Orio. We are talking in English.
Activities are very funny because we did a presentation. Oak group did a Volcano with baking powder.
The food was delicious but today the beans they arent very good.

Hever Manuel Abad
Today is very rainy and cold
Activities was very funny
The teachers are very nice
The food was delicious. Today we eat beans, tuna and tomato and pear.

Mireia Atutxa
The food is very bad
The class is very funny
The bedrooms are very small
The weather is very bad because it was raining.

Victor Turuelo
Today the weather was very bad, there was a storm.
The food was delicious.
I did a lot of activities. I play a lot of games, I stay with my new friends.
Everyday we change the teachers, and today we study with Nick. He is very nice.

Ana Velasco
The weather in Orio is bad. It is raining and cold.
The activities are very fun. Today we win a star in the game of recycling
The food is ok. Today at lunch we eat beans, tuna and fruit
The bedrooms are good

Maria Bustero
I like the classes because we learned a lot : the weather, the human body, recycling. the teachers explain the lessons very well.
The food is not very good. the weather is very bad, it´s raining all the day.
We do a lot of activities and we win a star if  we win the game.
I am making a lot of friends here in Orio.

Naia Garamendi
The bedrooms have spiders in them.
The food is bad.
The classes are very small.
The bedrooms are small.

Idoia Martinez
The food is very bad
The bedrooms have spiders
The weather is no good because is raining.
The classes are very small.

1 comment:

  1. Os quejareis del clima........

    !pero si es tipico londinense! ajjajjjjaj

    y la comida en ese pais en malisima........jjajjaj

    y aqui al menos teneis una comida que comeis habitualmente.........

    Bueno, aprender mucho y luego nos lo enseñais a la vuelta.........un abrazo para todos pero en especial a Iratxe Castellano.......

    !ya se sabe! la sangre tira mucho............

    !hasta el viernes!
